Next Full Meeting of South MS Tea Party is Monday, April 15 at
D'Iberville Rec Center. (click for map) Biloxi, D'Iberville & Ocean Springs Candidate Forum Tonight. |
Gina Miller
Obama's Lies
And Obama and his minions stoop to calling Romney a Liar.
Regular Meeting
Monday Aug. 6 @ 6:30 pm. Next installment of David Barton Video D'Iberville Recreation Center (click for map) |
"As the Holy Quran Tells us" Agenda 21 on the Coast- Gulf Coast Sustainable Communities-presented by Patty
Can we show up and point out when a property owner's property rights are being usurped? Gen. Paul VallelyA Message from
Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely and "A Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic" Founder's Suggested Web Sites (2/6/2012): see 11.11.11 video The Palin on Fox News gives TEA PARTY congressmen a pat on the back,slams Establishment,
WE need a candidate who is instinctively conservative. Full Speech: Sarah Palin at CPAC 2012 Rick Santorum sweeps.Rassmussen Poll says Santorum would defeat Obama
See how all of the candidates match up with Obama. Santorun sweeps Mn, Mo, Co, ; leads Romney in states 4-3 OK Mississippi our primary on March 13 may, in fact, matter. "I don't stand here to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, I stand here to be the conservative alternative to Barack Obama," Santorum said. On health care, cap and trade and the Wall Street bailout, he charged, "Mitt Romney has the same positions as Barack Obama." Activists (like us) Fight Green(agenda21) Projects,
Seeing U.N.'s Plot New York Times on us Agenda 21 crazies. Eric Cantor
Ron Paul:TSA is a bureaucratic monsterNewt GingrichObama Wants a KILL Switch on the NET
ACTA is worse than SOPA Obama signed ACTA in violation of Constitution We DESERVE to be Left Alone! --- Rita on G.C.M.
Republican Establishment Caught Red Handed, Lying About Newt Gingrich
Mark Levin: Gingrich Is Strong Conservative Cain Endorses Gingrich for President Sarah Palin Urges Newt Vote in Florida, Says Gingrich Will 'Clobber' Obama _
5 Reasons Why Ron Paul Is The National Security Candidate RON PAUL IS THE ONLY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE WHO GETS IT |
President Obummer Proposes $3 Trillion in Reficit Reduction.
Be careful of the difference between deficit and debt. Deficit is what we borrow, debt is what we owe. If the government cuts it's deficit by 3 trill. over 10 years from 10 to 7 then we still borrow 7 trill and the debt goes to 21 trillion from the current 16 trillion. Obama's deficit is over $1 trillion per year. The US debt is currently $16 trillion. We are so deep in debt. we have to pay back $16,000,000,000,000 just to get to broke. REGULATION without REPRESENTATION !This avalanche of federal regulations is being created by people who have NOT been elected, often at the behest of people who belong to organizations that want to impose their will onto us.
OBAMA'S LIST of LIESIn the State of the Union speech, Obama said he wants to reward good teachers and fire bad ones. He knows that the teacher's unions will never allow that and we know that he gives our money to them all the time. Who does he think he's fooling? Oh ya, them.
Obama, "the Constitution is Flawed"_Obama: Jesus Would Back Higher Taxes-
"for unto whom much is given, much shall be required" What B.S.- Jesus was talking about personal responsibility not stealing. “From time to time, we have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. "-Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address.
Obama Praises Quran and Slams Bible.This is YOUR PRESIDENT.
Ruth Bader GinsburgObama on Punitive Capital Gains Tax
Notice that the moderator points out that lowering the capital gains tax rate increased the amount of taxes collected. Obama ignores that and preaches that tax rates should be fair which translates to punitive and manipulative.
"As the Holy Quran Tells us" Agenda 21 on the Coast- Gulf Coast Sustainable Communities-presented by Patty
Can we show up and point out when a property owner's property rights are being usurped? Gen. Paul VallelyA Message from
Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely and "A Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic" Founder's Suggested Web Sites (2/6/2012): see 11.11.11 video The Palin on Fox News gives TEA PARTY congressmen a pat on the back,slams Establishment,
WE need a candidate who is instinctively conservative. Full Speech: Sarah Palin at CPAC 2012 Rick Santorum sweeps.Rassmussen Poll says Santorum would defeat Obama
See how all of the candidates match up with Obama. Santorun sweeps Mn, Mo, Co, ; leads Romney in states 4-3 OK Mississippi our primary on March 13 may, in fact, matter. "I don't stand here to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, I stand here to be the conservative alternative to Barack Obama," Santorum said. On health care, cap and trade and the Wall Street bailout, he charged, "Mitt Romney has the same positions as Barack Obama." Activists (like us) Fight Green(agenda21) Projects,
Seeing U.N.'s Plot New York Times on us Agenda 21 crazies. Eric Cantor
Ron Paul:TSA is a bureaucratic monsterNewt GingrichObama Wants a KILL Switch on the NET
ACTA is worse than SOPA Obama signed ACTA in violation of Constitution We DESERVE to be Left Alone! --- Rita on G.C.M.
Republican Establishment Caught Red Handed, Lying About Newt Gingrich
Mark Levin: Gingrich Is Strong Conservative Cain Endorses Gingrich for President Sarah Palin Urges Newt Vote in Florida, Says Gingrich Will 'Clobber' Obama _
5 Reasons Why Ron Paul Is The National Security Candidate RON PAUL IS THE ONLY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE WHO GETS IT |
Notice that the moderator points out that lowering the capital gains tax rate increased the amount of taxes collected. Obama ignores that and preaches that tax rates should be fair which translates to punitive and manipulative.
Obama on Punitive Capital Gains Tax
Ruth Bader Ginsburg_Obama: Jesus Would Back Higher Taxes-
"for unto whom much is given, much shall be required" What B.S.- Jesus was talking about personal responsibility not stealing. Obama Praises Quran and Slams Bible.This is YOUR PRESIDENT.
“From time to time, we have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. "-Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address.
Obama, "the Constitution is Flawed"REGULATION without REPRESENTATION !This avalanche of federal regulations is being created by people who have NOT been elected, often at the behest of people who belong to organizations that want to impose their will onto us.
OBAMA'S LIST of LIESIn the State of the Union speech, Obama said he wants to reward good teachers and fire bad ones. He knows that the teacher's unions will never allow that and we know that he gives our money to them all the time. Who does he think he's fooling? Oh ya, them.
President Obummer Proposes $3 Trillion in Reficit Reduction.
Be careful of the difference between deficit and debt. Deficit is what we borrow, debt is what we owe. If the government cuts it's deficit by 3 trill. over 10 years from 10 to 7 then we still borrow 7 trill and the debt goes to 21 trillion from the current 16 trillion. Obama's deficit is over $1 trillion per year. The US debt is currently $16 trillion. We are so deep in debt. we have to pay back $16,000,000,000,000 just to get to broke. |