Approved January 25th in the year of our Lord 2010.
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be called the “Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project”.
Article II: Purpose & Goal
Section 1: Founded in the first quarter of the year 2009, we come together as proud, patriotic Americans with a common purpose, to return America to the point in time when her people were free, proud and united in a common cause. Our movement is inspired by Glenn Beck’s 9 principles and 12 values as outlined in “The 912 Project”. Our goal is to educate and inform as many willing patriots as possible in the history of this great nation and where this nation now stands with respect to that history, and through peaceful means take steps to restore the constitutional form of limited federal government that was provided by the founding fathers. With this purpose and goal in mind we depend on a deep seated commitment to the following Principles and Values as the foundation for our Endeavour.
A. The Nine Principles
1. America is good.
2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
5. If you break the law, you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them; they answer to me.
B. The Twelve Values
9-Hard Work
11-Personal Responsibility
C. In addition to the stated purpose, the following are stated goals of the organization and shall be added to, deleted and changed as necessary:
Section 2: We are loyal to God, America, the U.S. Constitution and to the principles of individual liberty upon which this republic was founded. We acknowledge that the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are the most powerful statements of individual liberty ever created. We recognize that our form of government is a “Constitutional Republic”, which is designed to protect individual liberty, thus not giving in to tyranny by a simple majority. We believe in the rights of the ultimate minority, the individual. We believe that silence is consent.
Section 3: We firmly hold as truth that the United States Constitution properly limits the federal government to the specific enumerated powers outlined in Article 1 Section VIII of the U.S. Constitution. The Tenth Amendment properly reserves all other powers to the states or to the people. We support these limits on government powers and a phase out of all programs and departments that violate these principles.
Article III: Meeting Times
Our general membership meetings occur every other Monday at 6:30 P.M. at a meeting place as designated by the board and advertised to the general membership. Currently the recognized meeting place is the Saint Martin Community Center* (not officially changed in charter)Mississippi, but is subject to change. Our meetings start with a word of prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of our National Anthem. It is the goal to have a speaker or educational presentation, which will be chosen and approved by the Chairman or the Board at each meeting. Our official general meeting time shall last no more than two hours. Members are welcome to discuss issues after we have dismissed the assembled members.
Article IV: Public Policy Statements
The Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project supports conservative values and principles, and generally speaks out against any legislation, etc. that is contrary to our beliefs. Although any member of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project may personally speak out for or against a policy, only Board members shall be considered official spokespersons for the Group. Any public policy statement must not contradict the United States Constitution.
Article V: Membership, Dues
Section 1: Membership
A. General membership shall consist of individuals who wish to make peaceful change to the political landscape, or are eager to learn more about the Constitution and the current state of our nation, and who support the purpose and goals of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project.
B. Charter Membership is designated to anyone who attended Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project meetings prior to March 1st 2009. Charter members are qualified to serve in any official capacity in the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project.
Section 2: There are no dues for being a member of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project. Donations are welcomed and encouraged, but are not mandatory.
Article VI: Board of Directors, and Elections
Section 1. The Board of Directors of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project shall consist of the six executive officers, that of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms and Political Director, and up to Fourteen At-Large members. The Board of Directors shall not exceed 20 members. New or replacement Board members may be nominated by any current Board of Directors member and shall be voted on and appointed to the Board by the Board of Directors as needed. Any member of the Board may be removed for just cause and with a 70% vote of the full Board. Vacancies may be filled by a vote of the Board members. Any director who fails to participate in three consecutive Board meetings or ballots without reported cause shall be considered to have resigned from the Board. The absence of any Board member who’s spouse is also a Board member from any board meeting shall be excused as reported cause, although their absence is counted against the number present at any given meeting.
Section 2. The Board shall ensure the effective implementation of this charter, adopt an annual or quarterly budget, provide for effective communications among members, and provide for the arrangement of events for the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project.
Section 3. The Board shall have full power and authority to govern all the affairs of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project between events and meetings; shall have the sole, ultimate, final and exclusive control over all property, assets, liabilities and other resources of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project. The Board shall have the authority to hire, fire, contract and take such legal actions as could effect the will of the Board.
Section 4. A quorum, (one more than half), of the Board of Directors (as constituted at the time) must be present for any official votes to take place. A vote may pass with 70% of the quorum. Regular meetings of the Board shall occur on alternate Mondays of the General Meetings. A special (or emergency) meeting of the Board may be called by the chairman immediately preceding any event in which the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project officially participates in or initiates. Every attempt will be made to contact all Board members by phone, in the event of a special or emergency meeting, with a 24 hour notice. A General Member may obtain the minutes of any Board meeting, unless 70% of the Board members agree to a closed session. Minutes may be obtained for a $10 administrative fee.
Section 5. Meetings shall be conducted using a simplified version of the parliamentary procedure. The Board may decide other duties for Board members that do not take the official role of an officer.
Article VII: Officers
Section 1. The Officers of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms and Political Director. In addition to a 70% vote of approval by the Board, candidates for Officer shall have been General Members of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project for a period of three months prior to their nomination or be a Charter Member.
Section 2. Any Officer may be dismissed for misconduct or malfeasance upon two days notice to the Officer and a 70% vote of the full Board. Any Officer vacancy may be filled by a 70% vote of the full Board. New Officers must qualify under the provisions of the previous Section and shall assume office immediately upon election by the Board. If Officer vacancies occur between Board meetings, the position may be filled at the upcoming Board meeting. If the vacancy is the Chairman, then the Vice Chairman will serve as Acting Chairman until the Board nominates and elects a new Chairman.
Section 3. The Officers shall perform such duties as are prescribed in this Charter.
A. The Chairman shall be the primary spokesperson of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project; shall execute the resolutions of the Board of Directors; shall preside at meetings of the Board and general meetings, unless absent or replaced by an Acting Chairman, and shall ensure the administration of all provisions of this charter. The Chairman shall maintain the Bank account, P.O. Box, web based accounts etc… and ensure the proper payment of debts incurred by the organization. The Chairman may appoint any member as a special project director or liaison as he deems appropriate for the performance of the duties necessary to complete a project.
B. The Vice-Chairman shall assume the duties and obligations of Chairman in his absence and assist the Chairman in his duties.
C. The Secretary shall record and distribute the minutes of all Board meetings and general meetings.
D. The Treasurer shall be the auditor of all Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project funds, shall propose annual and/or quarterly budgets, safeguard the financial resources of Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project and provide such periodic reports of finances as the Board may require. The Treasurer shall serve as Director or Co-Director of the Finance and Fundraising Committee. The Treasurer shall be named on the official Bank Account and shall have the power to write checks, make deposits and make payments to approved vendors for expenses of the organization.
E. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall keep order at Board meetings and General meetings and provide security at all meetings and events.
Article VIII: Standing Committees
A. The Membership Committee, under the direction of the Chairman, shall promote new memberships, encourage membership renewal, and ensure the maintenance of an accurate membership database. The Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall serve as members of the Membership Committee. The Chairman is responsible for keeping and updating the membership list.
B. The Communications and Public Relations Committee shall supervise, maintain, facilitate and conduct communications among the members, the Board, the media and the general public and organize events.
C. The Finance and Fund Raising Committee, under the direction of the Treasurer and At Large Board Members, shall arrange, facilitate and solicit financial contributions to the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project.
Article IX: Special Directors
Special Directors nominated by the Chairman and appointed by the Board may include, but are not limited to:
A. The Webmaster, who shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance and content of the Citizen Liberty Internet services, as a member of the Communications and Public Relations Committee.
B. The Newsletter Editor, who shall be responsible for the preparation, production and distribution of printed or electronically published news of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project, as a member of the Communications and Public Relations Committee.
C. The Media Relations Director , who shall be responsible for the preparation, production and distribution of news releases and position statements of the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project on public issues.
D. The Event Coordinator shall make sure events are attended, make sure the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project members attempt to attend local events, and keep a calendar of potential events. The Event Coordinator shall be Co-Director or serve on the Communications and Public Relations Committee.
Article X: Amendment Process
Amendments to this Charter shall be passed by a vote of 70% of the full Board of Directors at a bi-monthly board meeting. Amendments shall not violate the United States Constitution, and shall not call for violence. Amendments shall be drafted by the member proposing the amendment and shall be presented to the Board during the board meeting. Changes to the proposed amendment can be considered and voted on during the meeting and if approved shall become part of this charter as if written in at the inception. The Secretary shall then amend the charter to reflect the new amendment.
Amendment I:
Anyone serving on the executive board, board, serving as a committee chair or in position of directorship may not call for volunteers at a meeting, on any website, constant contact, call ‘em all, or any other medium belonging to the Ms. Gulf Coast 912 Project without making the commitment to be involved and present and lead said call of volunteers. This shall include, but not be limited to, anyone acting in the capacity of said positions asking for volunteers for any reason. In the event said call is made and the person in request finds him/her self unavailable for unforeseen circumstances, then that person shall find a qualified person (board member) to lead in their stead or cancel such request.